Thursday, October 26, 2006

Year end performance

All over. For uni that is.
Just had my last performance today. In fact it's an acting performance. And I did a small part acting as a cow, theif, maiden and prisoner... =) We danced, acted and I did a small solo. All in one. It was great. I love the feeling. I love the feeling of singing and acting. Being a whole new character. I was surprise to find myself singing confidently for the 1st time without hearing a sign of trembling. I love the way I sang out. The only sad part was that nobody came. *sigh* As what always happens in almost 90% percent of the time I perform. Only Rachel came but she came when we already started. Even though I had a huge feeling nobody will come, I still felt heavy at the heart. I wish and hope all the time that I'll just see a familiar face but that wouldn't happen would it? =) Felt like a tear would run down my cheeks but all is cool. I'm taking it ok. Experience is great. I love the class and I'm really going to miss it. I know most of the students in the class didn't really want anyone to come but they all had friends coming while telling everybody else not to invite anyone. Funny thing... lol....
I wish the play lasted longer then it did. I smile just thinking about it.I didn't know I could be quite good considering I've never done these kinda things. Usually just chicken out. ;p

Choir performance was last week. Performance was better then all our rehearsals. Everything went well. I didn't know I could sing soprano part without any pressure or much tension. I suppose I'm learning how to relax more. And those short singing lessons did help me out. I can feel myself turn red when performing in front of ppl but some how I perform with more confidence then I did before which is great.

Last event of the month? Piano exam on tuesday. And?
Hmmm.... The bad thing is left wrist is starting to hurt for some reason. Not to mention the cracking sounds it makes sometimes. Don't seem to find the mood to practise but I just have to force myself. I need to do good for this. Keeping fingers crossed for that.

Funny thing is I'm starting to compose. Something I've never thought I'd do. Been trying to restrain myself from writing music though coz it's disturbing my practise and all.... And the thing is I like the ideas and stuff I hear in my mind. The music is just there. Can't wait to find time and inspiration to write again... ;)


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