Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Why is everyone starting to piss me off?

Yesterday juz couldn't be any better could it? From a jealous girlfren to someone i call cousin. And YES, he does read this blog.
What happened?
Dad told me to bring bck 2 big bottles of drugs for my cousin. Contains? I have no idea. He wouldn't tell me and it was wrapped up so well. I could have well enough been caught at the airport.
I didn't want to bring the drugs to syd coz I didn't want to have anything to do with this person. This person that made my relationship with my father worse and he's done it again. Mind you, my dad is paying either partly or entirely for his education here in syd.
It hardly been the 1st week of uni and I've been sooo busy settlying uni things and everything to do with uni and other things. My other cousin V contacted me saying that this cousin was bugging her and she was getting pissed off. He was bugging her the whole day(2 days ago) about his drugs. She said she'll give him my mobile number if he contacted her again and she did. Yesterday I had endless sms from him demanding for his drug. My mobile ran out of battery and I had been so busy and exhausted I only reached home in the evening.
He told V he has been waiting at Canterbury station for hours and won't go back until he get his drugs. So I told him off. It's not like he was going to die without it right? Couldn't he have confirmed his intension instead of insisting things from me? My phone was still charging so I told him to wait down the station and I walked all the way there in the dark through the park. Waited for at least 15-30min and walked back angry. I wasted my time. I could have done my uni work. I was already so busy as it is considering I'm doing 2 extra subjects this sem.
He wouldn't tell me his location no matter how many times I ask. Pissed me off to the max. And he was really rude to. Saying I was immature and demanding further. What more to say he complained to my dad about me like a 7 year old kid when it's not even his business or let alone his father.
I wasted another hour and got my aunt to drive me to the station. He snatched the bag from me without a word of thanks and sat on the floor with his bag of drugs. To say money is hard to come by and stuff, he was wearing a very expensive looking bike suit. And last year I bumped into him with his new hair style which didn't look cheap as well.
Got messeges from parents and it seemed like he complained to my parents about me again causing problem. I wouldn't be surprise if he even told my parents about this blog or tell them about of things I write here.
How can ppl be so annoying and so well fucked off? Why does these problem have to happen to me? I stay far from these kinda ppl but they always come near me to create problem or find ways of creating the problem. I've come to a point where I've lost all sense of patience or forgiveness.
You piss me off and thats the end of our friendship or thats the end of everything. I'm sick of being picked on and seen as the easier target. I'm sick of trying to patch up friendship to end up me wasting my time and money. I'm sick of being used and lied to. I'm just sick of life.


At 6:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lorraine,
I don't know why, and i don't know why stop doing my assignment to write you a mail, and I don't have a magic pill, but i want to be very honest with you, that your impaired communication disrupts relationships. As a cousin, I am honest. I want to invite your family to assist you growing up, and I can't just walk away, at least there are people they know about you, also know me. Yes? Your parents and family may not know the people who know both of us, they may not even know who you make friend, go out with, but we want to help you.

If you want to be foolish and talk in the space as if you are talking to yourself, letting out your unexplainable emotions, fluctuating moods from time to time, I mean I don't have to read what you have been writing for years, we know you, your cognitive level, understanding, maturity, attitude to your parents, brothers, me, others in your family, friends, it's all in your writings. Read it yourself. I spent five hours in the cold to get what you were trusted to bring over, left my assignments, left aside this morning lab assessment, left aside next week clinical placement, left aside all you have no clue, in fact you have no clue in many things in your life, to face a person who hates me for acceptable reasons? She tells she has bad relationships with brothers, parents, friends, "God", and what have I done to deserve a mock, humiliation, and above all, hatred? We wonder, is it her education? family? upbringing? religion? music? voice? friends? what is the reason? We do not know. In her writing, voice of soul, as if a revolutionist to a family, industry, belief system, everything, central to her, and her alone.

You dropped my meds, swifted into the car, did i hear..."are you freaky co( )k?" What? Did i hear wrongly? I sat on the floor with my drug? 5hours, in the cold, you couldn't even let go the floor of the train station? What is matter with you? From the first sms, till I heard your voice, then this angry letter to this planet of 6 billions people, it's all hatred. If you want to exercise hatred in this country, you were like this since ages we and I have known about you, please do it without disgracing anyone, can you understand this? You are not alone, a lot of people who know about you without knowing you, also know me. Vania does not know you well, I asked her before. Your brother doesn't know what is going on in your mind., i asked him before, 3am people do not know you well. Some of your friends do not know you well, but they know me. If you want to give misleading information to provoke, do it to yourself, and feel it.

I can keep on writing, but i don't have time to mark around with you. In the past you stuck to the wrong person and perceived wrongly about me, I could never do anything to alter. You dad wants me to forgive you, i want to forgive you, do you want to have a new life without hatred, to understand better, to be lovable? What am I doing now about 4 in the morning now? Beg you? All of us have our schedules, i am busy, do you want to try working in Australia 13-14hours a day? 14-15 hours in malaysia? I mean, why am I talking to you about this, you never worked like any of us in your lifetime. Can you communicate appropriately, behave appropriately like a decent educated lady doing music major?

We are not stupid. When you tell us your blogs, friendster, facebook, myspace, blogspot...tell us what way we don't know about you? What do you know about me, and you wrote about me in your blogspot? Can you be more responsible, accountable to your behavior, please?

Your behaviors so far, have imposed a social network that we mutually affiliate, whether you appreciate this as a matter of fact, I have to inform you about the breach of trust, defamation and other standard social practice to some extent. In this regard, i am writing you this mail to reinforce your understanding, whether or not in the future you compliant, live according to your own will without provoking others or in harmony with anyone, please, be aware of your behaviors.

Me, or us, provide you open communications to assist you resolving personality problem, attitude, behavior management, as a family unit, I am inviting your father into this dialogue. I don't know why you have bad relationships with others, while others like from dysfunctional family trying to understand you. I am trying. Please don't make a trouble big, to people who are entirely unrelated, know about you and you saying about me, you say about your parents, relatives, siblings, friends, I just don't know. Not that people are interested to know about you, don't disgrace anybody. You have to exercise self-discipline, self-control, grow up, help me help you.


At 9:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat drug is tat anyway?

At 9:55 pm, Blogger mya said...

I seriously have no idea.....
i don't like to open packages which are not mine and dad wouldn't tell me.

At 6:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hhmmm.. r those drug legal o not?

At 2:13 pm, Blogger mya said...

I dunno the details about the drug. I'm just the carrier person. hmmm... I hate having to change my blog add. Damn.....

At 5:17 am, Blogger Unknown said...

i found you! owh, ur couz, JIMMY fuck really damn terrible. well, lets see,, ermm,, personality disorder? bipolar? anxiety? not really good in psychology. :) but what he wrote really pisses. i guess the person who's immature here is no other then HIM. if he considers himself a mature person, he wouldnt go buggin and poking around people's business through out his life. he would just mind his own business right? what kind of person who thinks that he's a perfect, mature and dicipline person when he demands, complaints, interferes and bother about peoples business? talking about the collages that he kept changing and the social problems he had since the very first day i knew him.. owh.. and his temper.

hmmm.. lorr.. makes me wonder... we all do not have a perfect life. honesty? explain that why everybody dislikes him... sorry but i dislike him and meluat of him since what he did to me before.
anywhere, i'll be goin back on the 10 may.

At 6:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Jimmy, i know u so well that anybody in this earth would hate u.Mission College, NOBODY likes u..and now u say it to ur own face.What the heck ru writing about to lorraine?? look at urself..u didnt even know lorraine that well..Hello cousin, doesnt mean u know that person that well..even ur own family. Blind bond.Ur not trying to help her, u tryin to make it worst with ur own nonsense.Jimmy,read this and please keep it in ur mind. whatever is important to u..ur stupid drug..did u died in the cold? if ur not then shut the fuck up.if u think that ur mature enough..u dun wrote all those crap about her.i would be angry if i was her. just remember in ur previous college..ur worst than her..trust me.u dun care about it anymore cos ur in a place where everything is higher than ur stupid head. complaining to her dad, whining.Heck.can u just shut ur fuckin mouth? even in class u asked stupid q even the whole class knew that. why complained to her dad and make things worst??now who is worst???THATS HER OWN business and u have no right to stop her.(even if ur related, theres no law beyond it)
SO JIMMY.ur nonsense word fuck, i dun understand the crap out of it.mirror ur ugly face first before u look at others. i know am ugly thats why i have the right to say ur one.STOP bothering lorraine of ur bloody crap attitude.

At 6:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a drug to make jimmy head straight again...thats why he need it sooo bloody badly..to make a retard more retarder...even his writtin make no sense..'if i have a magic pill.'he needs it.heck.u never know lorraine.never will jimmy.Never in ur fuckin life. U dun even know whats an open communication...ur not even close to her as a friend...ur cousin relationship doesnt even exist.heck it jimmy.


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