Friday, July 14, 2006

Headache strikes

Hot day.
Guilt strikes my heart.
Confusion? That attacks my mind.
Headache and rumbling tummy....
Today was too complicating for me.

Musical is getting on the way.
Video recording and percussionist player all settled. THanks to my wonderful frens.
The MC was suprise for me being the stage manager.
Aunties walking past me whispering loudly saying I should go for the Ms Sarawak competition.
Musical tunes from orchestra was hurtful enough for me.
Light complication.

I wish I could say what my heart feels but my mind doesn't understand it.
The reason I distant myself from the world is to run from hurting ppl. From creating problem and suffering. This was the main reason of hating myself.

I can't wait for the performance. Hopefully it will go well. Recording? I'm funding it. All my money. Got the ppl to sponsor on the next production though.
My whole body hurts from running around getting ppl to do their part properly. LIghtings, sound, solos, acting part, choir, props.....
I need to get away from this confusing place. I need to get bck into my own music world. That's the safest place I can be right now....


At 11:50 am, Blogger JH Kueh said...

The reason I distant myself from the world is to run from hurting ppl. From creating problem and suffering. This was the main reason of hating myself.

We can't blame ourself for creating problems and sufferings, if it's not our intention to create them in the first place, when we're around people and offering our help etc.

It's more constructive to be learning from these problems that we create, and not create them next time :)

With little info that is given, I hope the advice helps. And, I think I'd a gift for ya that might come in handy in life :)

Cheers. "Here have some chocolate" :P

At 1:54 am, Blogger brian sim said...

Hi...See you back in Sydney...Enjoy the musical...


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