Carmina Burana
aka. the banana song =D (I swear the title sounds like banana)
It was great. Audience was 3X as much as monday but made me feel great. Instruments were better in tuned then rehearsals. Love the upbeat of the piece and all. I suppose thanks to the beer add, it got ppl interested to hear the original piece. Cousin and a church fren came which was sweet. Love them to bits. They enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed performing it.
The more I sing out, the more I hear ppl next to me telling me that my voice is good. The problem is I don't like my voice. It sounds operatically strong but what I want is stage, musical voice. Not the opera. Can't to think of it, the more I have been singing, the more I see myself as a singer rather then a pianist. Even my dressing and the way I am out there is different. I LOVE singing and have always love it. But the only problem is I'm not happy with my voice. Everyone who have heard me sang would think otherwise but I dunno. I'll judge myself again after I've actually sang a contemporary piece instead of the old boring ones. Getting quite bitchy as well, as most singers are anyways. Hmmm.... Don't understand how you turn into a singer but I'm definitely turning into one. I don't mind singing in public as long as you give me a piece to sing.
And since I've been singing and stopped my violin and clarinet, my pitch has been getting pretty sensitive. And I seem to be turning into one of those perfect pitch ppl. Bad? Good? I dunno. Bad in a way.
But going back to Carmina Burana, it was awesome. I felt so light and happy after that. Could feel myself being part of the music even though I don't understand the words(it's German). And not bad for a person who has been sight reading and done the piece in 2 weeks. Especially it being in a foreign language. Truth is, I'm surprise with myself. Wish I understand the words though.
But funny thing is when you look at the choir, those at the back row have no idea how to sing the piece while those in front are those that work on the piece. And the thing is if you look carefully, it's like the choir is being graded. The lousier you are, the further behind you are at. I sorta squeeze myself at the 2nd row. I'm not confident(enough on this piece) to stand front and I hate standing back. Love to see the guys sing. Especially the tenors(voice majors). Somehow singers catch more of my attention then anyone else. Like to see the way the sing. You can see that they love singing and I juz love the way they bring themselves around with confidence. Female singers mostly look bitchy(although most aren't).
Can't wait till the next performance. Too bad, I'll have to wait till next semester.
Then again, Chamber choir is performing again to be recorded during exam week. Bummer. Loads to stress.
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