Saturday, April 03, 2004

:) First of all... HaPpY SaBbAtH!!!!!.....
Guess wat... I just came back from a hotel.... stayed there for free... My stay was paid by the mission... Why?? I was their pianist for the sabbath.. I could actually stay till tomorro afternoon but I've already made an appointment with friends today so I'm back at the hostel..... HOSTEL, not HOTEL... lol... Anyway, my hotel mate was tis gal from sabbath who just started working with the mission as an accountant.. She's from Sabah. I met a few other members there last night but didn't see them again this morning.. Too bad. I thought that I could have taken photo with them. I even met Pr Wung, uncle Peter from Kuching and Pr Matthew and his wife,aunty Jinnie whom I have never did spoke to them considering they actually know my parents is kinda scary.. Oh ya. Met Pr Edmund Liah as well.... It was kinda fun considering I was talking with this guy called Donny and Wei Siang(x boyfriend of Kimberly). They keep talking to me in chinese and realizing that I don't actually understand.... Fun guys though they are like a few years older. Wei Siang who was actually an engineer is going to be a pastor... I'm kinda suprice and admire these kind of ppl.... Dunnola...
hehe... had free food and was in an aircon room.... Sortta comfortable but couldn't sleep last night... Maybe it's because I'm too use to the poor ppl's life style.... lol....
Anyway, my piano playing.... well, at 1st they say I'm to only play the theme song and I was like..."ONLY??" but then today I played a few songs... Was using a keyboard and couldn't really hear myself but other then that everything was ok or so I think it was....
Anyways... gtg now... need to go service my clarinet... Like finally I get the chance to go fix it.......


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