Sunday, January 15, 2006


Sabbath wasn't so bad when I went for choir.
Boss was not in Kuching so I had to take over.Elsie helped me with the guys and Ida helped me on the piano.7 bass,4 tenors,3 altos,4 sopranos(not including me).
For the 1st time since I left the choir i was proud of the youth.The last time the youth sang so beautifully was when I brought them to kl.The 1st time I came back from kl I thought the choir sucked(not badly yet though).I was complaining so much but no one listened.In the end I just shut my mouth for 3 years to find out last year end that it wasn't just me.That there were at least 10 ppl that thought the choir sucked badly since I left.
I was proud,happy and was really in a good mood after choir.The members had the spirit they once had.They enjoyed the whole session though they were late for practise as usual.They became stronger in sound and their production was superb though not perfect.Entering and ending at the same time holding necessary notes and stuff.It made my heart jump for joy that I've finally succeded in making a huge difference.My assistant were as glad as me coz we've finally reached our goal.This was one of the reasons why I wanted to do music education.I prefer teaching or rather coaching ppl in groups then individual.
Today was the one time I actually ment what I said 150%(i do mean wat i say all the time,mind you).But I really wanted them all to know it.I was proud of the whole choir.Hopefully once I leave they would have the same spirit I brought out from them.It was deffinately music to the ears.I went home really happy and relaxed(i can't find the words to discribe my feeling about it).
I'm now looking forward to our next choir practise.I can't wait to bring out the music in them.I can't wait to make music with this group of young ppl.I can't wait for them to perform and have their confidence again.I can't wait to proudly tell ppl that I did all that.That I made the change... =D


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