Sunday, February 26, 2006


Have been without connection for the past week.What I've been doing is shopping(mostly for mum),getting things done,gone to uni and visited part of Sydney.Rather tiring.
The moment I saw Sydney I felt a whole lot lighter.Felt lose.Was rushing the whole way from Kuching airport.I knew I wouldn't see anyone at the airport to see me off though I was hoping to see familiar faces.Reached kl but only had 15min to finish up my credit.Called a few frens and sms a whole lot of ppl.But still had RM2 left.Spent the last amount sms-ing in aussie.The whole journey was about 8 hours.Was placed next to this Korean gal.She's holidaying in Sydney for 1 year.Hardly slept.Watched movie,ate,played video games and did nothing.
Time really pass quickly.
I think I'm gonna get my bronchitis back.Considering I'm staying with my aunty who smokes.I start sneezing and my cough is back so am back on drugs.
Jet-lagged?Nah... Somehow or another I seem to be waking up earlier then I do back in Kuching.
Been sweeping,washing dishes and stuff.... Not because mum asked me to but because somehow I can't really stand mess.
My Irish uncle(he's sick) is a fun person to talk to but then it's kinda hard understanding to what he's talking about.His accent is really strong.
Went to church and it's kinda weird.Half the time I don't get what those ppl are talking about.They don't have youths there so I went to the adults sabbath school.Oh wells.
Though it's summer here it's not really as humid as back in Malaysia.The wind is really cooling.I think I may die during winter... ;p I have to get use to the weather.But IT IS rather dry here.
Can be rather boring here though.Not knowing anyone.Nobody contacting me.Everything is really expensive so I don't exactly play alot with my mobile.Food is expensive too and in big portion.I know I'm skinny but I'm starting to grow a tummy.
So things I have to work on while being here...
1. Do sit-ups at least once a day
2. Practise everyday(goal?all instruments)
3. sleep early and wake up early
4. might work(gonna get a piano so may have students)
5. be more confident
6. work on communication skills(am actually getting really anti-social lately)
7. work on my language(have to erase all the ma-s,ah-s,la-s and leh-s)

Miss anyone?Nah.But i do think about some ppl... =)
That's news from me....


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