Monday, November 27, 2006

lucky charm is a Scarab

Let's hope you're not afraid of bugs, because it turns out that scarabs are your lucky charm. But before you get creeped out, you don't need the living thing for luck to come your way.(No one wants a living dung beetle crawling around in their pocket, after all.) So consider yourself one of the fortunate few.

When the likeness of the scarab is stamped, carved or engraved onto stone, glass, wood and metal, it becomes one of the oldest good-luck charms in the world.

Keep one next to your heart for long life. Place one next to your head while you sleep for protection. As the sacred symbol of the eternal soul, you might want to carry more than one scarab charm—one for this life and one for the next.

My IQ is 122??

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Monday, November 20, 2006

wang lee hom2

Holiday time. Problem?
Sorta bored yet got loads to do. Settled uni stuff which is a total relief. Can't practise coz wrist is still painful =( No assignments. Nothing to do coz it's the year end. No work to do. No car so trapped at home---> I hate using public transport(another way of me picking up weird and scary ppl). Have to clean room up, visit places, do more shopping ;p and hang out with my galfrens.
So what's the problem?
Hmmm.... I'm thinking again which makes me depressed. That's the reason why i keep myself busy. So I wouldn't think.... Found out a few days ago that the only way of feeling better is over working myself with things or by crying (=

Lee hom? As some of you who have been contantly reading my blog, he's been my inspiration and all. Have been listening to his music and seeing his music clips. Gives me more inspiration to go all the way in music. Maybe singing in public more then teaching. When I see him, it reminds me more of myself. Dunno why but i feel like there is a higher percentage of us being alike in the music sense. And I'm glad Li introduce me to him. Didn't really listen to chinese music or rather didn't really look up to artists. They are loaded with money in an easy way. Singing and all. But the moment I saw Lee Hom on his violin, I totally fell in love with him(in the musical kinda way) and from that moment, music was my whole instead of my 1st dream of doing veterinary science.
I could practise for hours if my wrist permits me to. I love singing and have been singing publically without worry. Couldn't sing with ppl around me without hearing my voice tremble or with confidence. Somehow with the praises from friends about my voice, I sing much more better then I use to. Stronger and I reach higher notes without much difficulty.Only problem is that my voice is turning into an operatic strong voice instead of the normal stable singing. Never wanted to sing like those big fat women doing opera. But somehow my voice has changed into one of them instead of a musical Hugh Jackman(wolverin guy) or Bette Midler(from movie beaches).

Monday, November 13, 2006

woOOoooHooooOoo... it's over

Yup. Exams are finally over. I feel much lighter now.
Haven been blogging much. Don't see the point in it anymore.
Right now it's 3am and I can't sleep. Slept at 8 something juz now(was tired from the jogging.yes I'm back on my 'workout'). But right now one particular thing is bothering my mind(I'll not get into it).
Can't believe exams over.Not sure what I'll be doing in aussie for a month. Not like I'm working or not like I can practise(yes,wrist still hurts). Not like I have tons of money to spend and treat myself. Been cleaning/clearing my room and trying to find lost things there. Can't seem to find anything these days.
Home? Not sure if I'm looking forward to it. Yea sure, seeing my godsis again and spending time with her would be awesome. Not forgetting Randy's wedding. But after that then what? There's really nothing to look forward to. Hoping for something to happen? Yea, sure.... as if it would. Waited freaking long to be hurt all over again.
Bright side? I found the ideal church here to frequently go to. The youth there reminds me soo much of the good old days in youth back home when everyone was still around.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1st piano exam

yeaterday Was terrible.... maybe not that bad if you think more about it. I'm not too happy with my performance so feeling crap about it.
Had to wait till 4pm and the wait is the one that kills me not the exam. I was feeling pretty prepared but the more I spoke to friends(majority stuffed up) and waited around uni the more tense I felt. So me and friend went to the gardens near uni to chill till it was our turn.
At the exam, one of the candidates didn't turn up so we all had to go in early. When I went in, my shoes fell apart. The bead that holds the shoe sorta came out. I was in shock but went calmly. Gave the examiners my programme and bend down to try fix my shoe but left hand was at that time trembling pretty badly.
"Lorraine, are you ok?"
"Yea. I'm fixing my shoe"
"oh, I thought you decided to have a sleep or something..."

Finally fixed my shoe and went to the piano feeling kinda relaxed yet tense. My left hand was still trembling although right was perfectly alright. As some of you already know, my whole left arm started developing pain for 2 weeks. Pain got worse last week. Fingers started hurting as well last week but on mon till now I couldn't feel my fingers. I'm not paranoid..... I tried to calm myself down but my stupid left hand was trembling so bad.
Scales was pretty bad. to me. all the hard scales they gave like F# major arpeggio, Ab chromatic, Eb harmonic minor, G major octave was the scales I scored but the easy ones I f****d up. And to me it was bad.
My pieces wasn't that bad. Lots better then last week during lesson but I thought it could be perfect.
After i finished, examiners stopped me.
"We noticed you have a bandage on your left arm. What happened?"
"It's kapotano(however u spell that thing)"
"How long have you had it?"
"Had it 1st few months I was 1st year but was ok for the next 6 months. The pain returned 2 weeks ago."
"Haven't you seen a dr? You have to get it treated expecially when you're doing music"
"I saw a gp and dad says to come home then deal with it"
"Oh... So you're going home for the should see a specialist about it."
"yea *smile* "
"anyways take care and have a nice day. thank you."

Damn.... Made me feel like I could have done so much better. Btw, I haven't practised as much as I did the whole year for the past 2 weeks but the pain still developed. Kinda scary considering I'm very dependent on my touch and hands.
Went out with my galfrens to chill. But ended up coming home with a headache.
And today? Last Piano lesson of the year. Fingers crossed....