Wednesday, March 19, 2008

musically retarded

Didn't know what to put down as the title =)
Seen soo many doctors that I've just given up on myself. Few days ago I went to see a couple of drs and they say I have tendonitis. Which means no playing ANY instrument for the next few months. How am I gonna survive? Most of my subjects requires playing the instrument or the movement of hands(conducting). I tried playing my clarinet yesterday and after 30-60min my wrists hurt like hell. I've stopped playing the violin completely, I tried playing the guitar again but it's the same case. I can't play piano for awhile coz it just hurts and it's my major instrument. Not to mention I'm still having the irritated sore throat which is preventing me from singing ='(
*sinff* *sob* I really wanna sing and play the instrument. I wanna play in orchestras and make mistakes and just have fun with my music.
But then with all these crap, something always happens to make it better. I decided to be sociable yesterday and went out with a bunch of international students (postgrads). Was talking to this phD lady who does pole dancing and plays the bassoon. She said her research was on musical injury and she explained that she had the same problem and had no solution as well. She also recommended another guy in Sydney. I think I'll give him a go. I so wanna play the piano again and get bck on my 2 feet again.....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Why is everyone starting to piss me off?

Yesterday juz couldn't be any better could it? From a jealous girlfren to someone i call cousin. And YES, he does read this blog.
What happened?
Dad told me to bring bck 2 big bottles of drugs for my cousin. Contains? I have no idea. He wouldn't tell me and it was wrapped up so well. I could have well enough been caught at the airport.
I didn't want to bring the drugs to syd coz I didn't want to have anything to do with this person. This person that made my relationship with my father worse and he's done it again. Mind you, my dad is paying either partly or entirely for his education here in syd.
It hardly been the 1st week of uni and I've been sooo busy settlying uni things and everything to do with uni and other things. My other cousin V contacted me saying that this cousin was bugging her and she was getting pissed off. He was bugging her the whole day(2 days ago) about his drugs. She said she'll give him my mobile number if he contacted her again and she did. Yesterday I had endless sms from him demanding for his drug. My mobile ran out of battery and I had been so busy and exhausted I only reached home in the evening.
He told V he has been waiting at Canterbury station for hours and won't go back until he get his drugs. So I told him off. It's not like he was going to die without it right? Couldn't he have confirmed his intension instead of insisting things from me? My phone was still charging so I told him to wait down the station and I walked all the way there in the dark through the park. Waited for at least 15-30min and walked back angry. I wasted my time. I could have done my uni work. I was already so busy as it is considering I'm doing 2 extra subjects this sem.
He wouldn't tell me his location no matter how many times I ask. Pissed me off to the max. And he was really rude to. Saying I was immature and demanding further. What more to say he complained to my dad about me like a 7 year old kid when it's not even his business or let alone his father.
I wasted another hour and got my aunt to drive me to the station. He snatched the bag from me without a word of thanks and sat on the floor with his bag of drugs. To say money is hard to come by and stuff, he was wearing a very expensive looking bike suit. And last year I bumped into him with his new hair style which didn't look cheap as well.
Got messeges from parents and it seemed like he complained to my parents about me again causing problem. I wouldn't be surprise if he even told my parents about this blog or tell them about of things I write here.
How can ppl be so annoying and so well fucked off? Why does these problem have to happen to me? I stay far from these kinda ppl but they always come near me to create problem or find ways of creating the problem. I've come to a point where I've lost all sense of patience or forgiveness.
You piss me off and thats the end of our friendship or thats the end of everything. I'm sick of being picked on and seen as the easier target. I'm sick of trying to patch up friendship to end up me wasting my time and money. I'm sick of being used and lied to. I'm just sick of life.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Mardi gra, Sydney

There were sooo many ppl there. The streets were filled with floats, ppl with custumes, gays, normals ppl, tall and short. It was a parade not to be missed.
Problem I had was many ppl i know doesn't like gays and didn't want to go. Gays are the most beautiful ppl on earth. There were a few old, short, fat women who were having trouble getting down a big step. A couple of nice gay guys were so sweet to carry those ladies down even though through their expression, these women weren't at all light. Made me feel like hugging those guys but I was a short little asian to many ppl there.
The floats were really nice. Sad I couldn't get many nice pictures. I was too short to see anything. The custumes were interesting but the floats went by too fast.
This reminded me of Rainforest Music Festival we have back home in Kuching. Seriously speaking..... Mardi gra is FARRR safer then Rainforest even though both events you have drunks and the massive crowd. Mardi gra is far interesting where as Rainforest, certain musicians can be boring. Mardi gra is free and Rainforest, you'll have to pay a bomb just to get in.
The men were HOT!!! =D and the women weren't too bad(mostly old old ones or young little girls). There were actually more gays there then lesbians. Didn't realize until my cousin mentioned it.

Remember to bring a couple of drinks, have party friends to go with you, ppl who love gays, a stool to see, camera with loaded batteries and always come at least 2.5 hours before the thing starts to get a good spot.